Does Harri have any available originals?
Yes! Don’t forget to check the collections from time to time. Instagram and Facebook offer the most up-to-date window into the studio. Shop affordable prints at Etsy.com/shop/ArtHarri
Can I commission Harri for a painting?
Yes! The wait is roughly 1-2 months. Commissions are €2 per square inch with minimum size dimensions of 36×36 in (90x90cm) which starts at €2500. Custom dimensions are welcome, as canvases can be ordered at any size for specific large walls. To discover a painting size that’s perfect for your space, Harri suggests sticking painter’s tape onto the wall and experimenting with sizes. Harri can also digitally render an image into the room before tackling the project with real paint. If you would like to learn more about commissioning new art, contact the studio at harri@harritarkka.com
How does the refundable deposit for a commission painting work?
A 10% deposit is needed to be added to the waitlist, however, the deposit is refundable at any time. The commission can be canceled prior to, during, or after the painting is finished either by Iris or the client. Art is very personal and subjective for both the client(s) and the artist, so in the event that a commissioned artwork is not claimed it will be released to the open market and/or the galleries. This system has kept everybody happy, and mainly it allows Harri to always paint what he wants to paint without sacrificing the surprises inherent to the creative process. For a commission, typically clients will suggest a subject, and/or palette preferences. Harri does not accept all subjects or palettes but is happy to hear what you have in mind. For example, a client might say they want a 110cm x 80cm horizontal artwork depicting something reminiscent of their favorite painting from his archive. Since the deposit is 100% refundable Harri has the freedom to run with the suggestion and make it his own. The final artwork is a surprise for both Harri and the client.
Does Harri sell prints of his work?
Yes, starting at €2,95 (as a postcard), quite many of Harri’s paintings are available as a print on canvas, quality paper print, t-shirts… Shop here.
Does Harri give free artwork files?
Yes, just sign up to subscribe to the newsletter and you can download free art files. Demi gods… Download from here. Coloring print files from here.
Galleries that carry Harri’s work?
No. Harri Tarkka is not at moment presented in any Gallerie.
What inspired Harri to become an artist?
From a young age, Harri knew that he loved to draw. He played by drawing little guys jumping, running, and flying. Lots of action happened. Those little men lived in the 2D world based on one curvy line on paper. Now they have broken free.
Where did Harri grow up?
Harri was born in 1963 in Järvenpää, Finland. He is a small-town boy who lives in Helsinki at the moment. The summers young Harri spends at his uncle’s farm and family’s summer cottage. Most of the time he was able to spend time on his own. Exploring the insects, and animals and wondering about everything from stones to trees.
Harri’s education?
Harri was not very good at school. He spends most of his time drawing to book margins. Before he went to the university he was working quite a lot in the building sites as an odd-job man, carpenter, and plaster. University gave him a master of architecture paper in the end. Harri did graphic design and illustration for almost 30 years. For most of his career, he was an exhibition architect for museums. He tried the real architect profession in a very good office for about a year at age 56. Harri ends his architecture career and starts painting as a profession.
How long has Harri been painting?
Harri started painting about four years ago maybe five. But he has done art and illustrations almost all the time.
Where does Harri get inspiration for her pieces?
Harri is always interested in nature and animals. Litterature is also very important to him. Mixing these two subjects animals and literature together and voilá. Harri has a painting with the story. Of course, is not so simple every time, but mainly it goes like that. And having time to think about the coming painting is really important.
What advice does Harri have for aspiring artists?
Just do it. Don’t make it too difficult for you. Learn what you think to need at the time.
How long do Harri’s paintings take to complete?
Now that Harri’s paintings are quite big, his canvases take a few days to plan, and 1 to 4 weeks to complete.
Does Harri teach classes?
No. But he might.
What is Harri’s creative process?
Harri is making lot of skechts. He tries to enjoy every working process. Harri is doing it again and again.
Has Harri considered experimenting with other techniques in the future?
Yes, always. He would like to test airbrushing and tufting as a start.
Has Harri done anything else?
Yes, like wrote and illustrated one children’s book. And illustrated a few more children’s books. Process, strategic, magazine, comix, and board game illustration for serious companies and not so serious. Harri has designed four small buildings and two sauna’s as an architect. Harri has motorcycle clothing brand Mummyduck Customs (not so serious company). A few stores are also on the internet. Harri has a couple(three) of motorcycles and a family!